Maybe it was just Taco showing off his weird taste in music but something about his opening DJ set – that included cuts like Theo London’s “Last Night (LVRS Anthem)” – gave TYLER, THE CREATOR’s solo gig a different vibe. It amped up the sold-out crowd at The Opera House in Toronto, influencing them to carry songs like “Yonkers” and “Domo 23” with full verse/chorus shout-alongs, and even made Tyler’s glimpse of new material profound. The main highlight: “Cowboy”. Goblin was personal but Wolf seems to be a self-portrait as the new track fluttered to happier keys before dropping straight into the dark (“I’m as lonely as the crackers supermodels eat”). You might be thinking, “Oh great, the same old shtick”, but you shouldn’t. Tyler’s artistry is just now getting comfortable with the spotlight.