Going Live: The Chariot, Birds In Row

No one likes goodbyes and saying farewell to a band can literally break you. To us, Douglasville’s THE CHARIOT will always be that band. That band that wasn’t afraid of recording an album live. That band that collaborated with Hayley Williams the same year Riot! broke. That band that signed/stamped/numbered 25,000 albums. And that band that broke the imaginary barriers tied to Vans Warped Tour and ultimately showed when it comes to music, there are no boundaries. There are no limitations. There are no real-life instances of “Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200”.

With The Chariot, there’s just passion. In our short span, we’ve covered two full-lengths (Long Live, One Wing) and photographed the band a total of nine times, and to be quite honest, they’ve never faltered at manhandling venues or turning unexpected songs (“The City”, “Speak”) into new classics. The same happened to be the case for their last date in Buffalo, New York, as the group brought REBUKER, GLASS CLOUD and BIRDS IN ROW to their stop at the Waiting Room (October 21st). The night definitely felt like a last hurrah as a good portion of the crowd came in from Toronto and in between the sets, the tears, and the sing-along yells, everyone sort of discovered that feeling.

We really do hate goodbyes… so from all of us at BLARE to our friends from the South: “Long Live The Chariot”.





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