Said The Whale have artistically developed their own style of music and have rightly so, struck the Canadian scene with a bang. Soothing guitar riffs and captivating lyrics paint a unique picture leaving listeners with a feel-good vibe. Formed by Tyler Bancroft and Ben Worcester, these Vancouver musicians have naturally caught the eye of fans around the country and will soon enough do the same thing to the world.
Here’s Said The Whale’s list of…
Hey Rosetta – Into Your Lungs
This is a perfect album from one of Canada’s best bands – Tyler Bancroft
By Divine Right – Bless This Mess
Also a perfect album. I still have a five-dollar bill signed by Jose Contreras and Leslie Feist from when I saw them in Vancouver in ’99. – Tyler Bancroft
Panda Bear – Person Pitch
Go listen to this right now. – Spencer Schoening
The Flaming Lips – Zaireeka
The first time I synched up all 4 CD players, my eyes fell out. – Spencer Schoening
Dan Mangan – Nice, Nice, Very Nice
This album is like a warm hug from a big fuzzy bear who also happens to be an amazing singer, lyricist and storyteller. – Ben Worcester
Bob Marley – Kaya
Its irie. – Ben Worcester
Richard Buckner – Bloomed
Perfect songs. – Peter Carruthers
Shellac – Terraform
Its all about balls. – Peter Carruthers
Count Basie – Live At The Sands
This was the first jazz album I ever owned and inspired my love for jazz piano. – Jaycelyn Brown
Hannah Georgas – The Beat Stuff
Gorgeous voice and amazingly catchy tunes. – Jaycelyn Brown
Said the Whale was amazing at NxNE.
Surprised they filled the Reverb.