REVIEW: Brandon Flowers – “Flamingo”

Brandon Flowers / Flamingo / Island

Vibrant, pompous and exotic. The fluorescent winged-creature shares similarities with Brandon Flowers’ solo debut except it has more of a likable personality. Flamingo teases with Vegas themes and classic rock ballads and Stuart Price’s crisp, spotlight production but candidly shows it hand without hesitation thus revealing weaknesses. Part of the reason for such unwanted flair could be Flowers’ impulse to impress.

Stranded somewhere between 80s’ melodrama and The Killers’ Hot Fuss part deux, the famed frontman is jilted, tossing flamboyant choruses on the table hoping to receive praise from experimental addicts (“Playing With Fire”) and doleful toe-tappers (“Was It Something I Said”). At least the musician’s progressive ego can be grateful for not impairing his former act’s name with the desperate attempt to mingle with every clique known to existence. Let’s hope it didn’t already ruffle his bandmates feathers too severely.

Download: “Hard Enough”

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