Lil Wayne / I Am Not A Human Being / Universal Motown
You can take away a man’s pride, but you can’t take away his creativity. Such a case could be made for rap mogul Lil Wayne who dismissed the idea of an extended play and transformed I Am Not A Human Being into a full-length dripping with originality and bloodless swagger. Gone is the auto-tuned pop rock fixation as the Louisiana lyricist cripples verses using his unconscious flair for playing matchmaker with words. “He been fussin’ all day with her and I make her feel special like a place kicker”, spits Wayne on the risque love anthem “I’m Single”, that’s more apt for Drake’s adoration for dramatic tones.
That’s not to say the teacher has fallen for his protege’s style. The title track crosses streams with Rebirth but mixes well with a bloodthirsty pitch barely sprinkled across a disc infused with 60s’ soul (“With You”) and standard hip hop declarations (“Bill Gates”). “Popular” comes out of the gate as an awkward mess but finds its stride clashing the disc’s best rhymes with a contagious hook, thus distancing itself from lackluster moments like the uncanny “Gonorrhea” and pushing forward the album’s artistic worth. I Am Not A Human Being is not a masterpiece because of the mixtape feel but it is a rebound with back-to-basic qualities tracing Lil Wayne’s natural yet inhuman ability to express himself.
Download: “Popular (ft. Lil Twist)”, “With You (ft. Drake)”
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honestly the worst review i’ve ever read. gonorrhea is one of the only good songs on the cd. wayne spits more hot lines on that song than he does on all of the other songs combined. literally. you were right about popular being an awkward mess, you should have stopped there.
with you and right above it are ridiculously addictive. basically the 3 songs with drake are great, all the other ones are awful. the only good thing to come out of this is that these were all recorded before wayne went to jail so hopefully he comes out of jail with some real fire for C4.
i was just about to say this is a great review. Gonorrhea is catchy but it is a bit weird. and Popular is amazing! stop being a Drake fan boy and appreciate that the album is decent.
the album is decent period, not more than 4/5 stars, not less than 3.5. It’s funny to see how some reviewers think that “popular” and “with you” are horrible and “gonorrhea” is great, while other think the exact opposite. this reminds me of the reactions people had to drake’s thank me later, the hip hop heads hating some songs that the r&b heads loved and vice-versa
You guys are crazy, every line in lil waynes songs mean something other than what he’s saying. He’s pure genious. This is jus an appitizer, wait for the Carter4- he’s bout to make everyone really start thinking “this guy issss unreal!”
CD was sick yall trippin