REVIEW: Underoath – “Ø (Disambiguation)”

Underoath / Ø (Disambiguation) / Tooth & Nail

Tearing down limits, Ø (Disambiguation) silences doubts with an anticipated progression in music. The seventh effort from Underoath is a logical next step after Lost In The Sound Of Separation, but it also twists elements from every studio record the Florida act have released since 2004. The musicianship has evolved, with every band member adding to each atmospheric showcase (“Who Will Guard The Guardians”) and onslaught of riffage (“My Deteriorating Incline”) that shoves the band’s genre and drives a spear straight through it’s heart.

Underoath’s venture into the eerie depths of creativity may lose a few listeners, but the way each instrument accents the other while frontman Spencer Chamberlain erupts is enough to manhandle one’s attention. “I can’t find the light / Inside this empty room I cannot find myself,” sings the 27-year-old vocalist before expelling a bark on “Vacant Mouth”, a track that meshes enrapturing lyrics with a sense of ferocity that’s defined the group for the past half-decade. Some may want to believe Ø (Disambiguation) is missing a piece of it’s soul, but Chamberlain’s ongoing war with his heart and the band’s decision to push his clean vocals ability with piercing tempos has proved otherwise. Even when their future is bleak, Underoath have proven that the wounded can stare death in the face and live to reclaim their territory.

Download: “Vacant Mouth”, “Paper Lung”, “My Deteriorating Incline”


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