REVIEW: Architects – “The Here And Now”

Architects / The Here And Now / Century Media

Caught in a web of expectations and artists exploding in a hand-grenade fashion, the Brighton metalcore rockers look lost on The Here And Now, especially with 2009’s Hollow Crown being smothered with praises. The truth be told, it’s not entirely the case; where primal melodies are encouraged, Architects trade simplicity for experimentation. The group test open waters with guest appearances (Greg Puciato, Andrew Neuman), drips of feedback and a new found vocal range. Impulsive and effective, the awakening of vintage alternative punk strikes a lethal chord (“BTN”). Even more original numbers (“Stay Young Forever”) do damage, maintaining a consistent pace until Sam Carter’s voice is pummeled into the dark.

“Heartburn” and “Red Eyes” are foreign to Architects followers and are begging to be fed to the wolves because of how they deteriorate the record’s personality. The stripped down tone is too innocent, too heartfelt, convincing listeners to neglect odes to naked alt rock (“An Open Letter To Myself”) they would have covered with their high school outfit back in the Hidden In A Plain View glory days. Architects have to yet to flag the balance of styles and unclean vocals, but it’s a challenge when experimenting and creating numbers that quietly mime pre-radio Alexisonfire (“Delete, Rewind”).

Download: “BTN”, “Delete, Rewind”


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  • Anonymous says:

    This is a perfect example of why this website fails so often. The first thing i notice is three stars, which is a fairly good score. The rest of the review goes on to detail how the album is disappointing and lacking (which one would assume would warrant maybe two stars).

  • jason says:

    isn’t 3 stars an average score? it’s not like he bashed the band, he pointed out what worked and what didn’t. still waiting to see if this album grows on me

  • TD says:

    great album review Josh =)

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