REVIEW: Timber Timbre – “Creep On Creepin’ On”

Timber Timbre / Creep On Creepin’ On / Arts & Crafts

On Creep On Creepin’ On, Canadian singer-songwriter Taylor Kirk blends the bassy sorrow of an obscure Leonard Cohen b-side with a little spookiness all of his own. In these slow, haunting lounge numbers, the singer holds down the lower register, sometimes in staunch similarity to Elvis Presley; but the stories he tells are a little more grisly than what The King ever dealt with – and his vocabulary more threateningly angular. In “Bad Ritual”, the murderous is blended with the romantic and we’re brought convincingly into the depraved mind of the singer. It’s an interesting listen, on the two tracks that follow, as Kirk builds this charismatic mad man behind the mic image, countered by beachside jazz bar tunes.

Sounds are fuller on this, the group’s fourth album. It lends a more dangerous quality than some of their earlier, more sparse-sounding songs. You can almost imagine the sax player and violinist exchanging glances as their singer goes off script and begins singing about not being able to control the voices in his head – before they shrug and go right along with it.

Download: “Bad Ritual”, “Do I Have Power”

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