No matter who you are, what you look like and how old you are, we’ve all had those moments; those moments where you’re trapped in front of your Windows Media Player’s visualizations or you’re carefully trying to take in MGMT’s Oracular Spectacular while staring off into space. In other words, the WORLD ELECTRONIC MUSIC FESTIVAL was the perfect home for those to drift off into their own universe without paying attention to the real world.
The event projected their own hypnotic light shows, provided transportation to local beach areas and had enough scenery (and people that liked scenery) to make everyone feel at home. But from a sober point of view, one could tell, WEMF 2011 wasn’t meant for those who wear suits and don cashmere on a daily basis. It was a party – or as some called it without hesistation, a “booze camp” – that ultimately showed how many different personalities the electronic genre can bring together. Like co-founder Ryan Kruger said, “This year, the scene just blew up”.
yayyy my pic!! 😀