[May 29th 2012 – Polyvinyl Record Co. // Find it at: iTunes | Insound]
Japandroids don’t do quiet. It’s why the Vancouver duo’s second record hangs onto a rib-shaking mentality and pushes out the motive to do something. Lined with passion-ripping chords and kit bashing, Celebration Rock outlines the emotions surfing through your body during tangible scenarios – the raw inexplicable feeling of graduating, the bitter reality an ex is slowing down your existence or even the 4 a.m. rooftop hangout where the world belongs to you and no one else. In a way, Japandroids trap what’s cathartic and bury it in adrenaline-sipping rock testaments heated with power, honesty and a deafening framework. Lyrically, Celebration Rock trips out on Brian King’s outbursts of truth while David Prowse’s stick work reiterates his thoughts of youth (“Younger Us”) and refraining from giving in to be normal (“The Nights Of Wine And Roses”). Sometimes, it’s spontaneous as tempos are never really formal (“Evil’s Sway”) and can turn into lush drops of nostalgia (“Continuous Thunder”), but there’s not a single second where Japandroids don’t flood you with precision. Every collective shred rules and by the LP’s end, “We yell like hell to the heavens” isn’t just a lyric anymore, it’s an inspirational line that will make a home in your life.
Download: “Younger Us”, “Continuous Thunder”, “The House That Heaven Built”
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