[August 20th 2012 – Self-Released // Find it at: iTunes | Official Store]
Violent Waves may be succeeding a cathartic trilogy but even with its independent framework, the album carries a windowless look into Circa Survive’s rupturing creativity. Their genes as a band are still intact, it’s just the Philadelphia quintet slide away from the naked sting of Blue Sky Noise to illuminate ethereal rips of Juturna-like experimentation. In their own hands, the tipping points to choruses have more of a ferocious bite (“My Only Friend”), album bookends spasm with sensitive instrumentation cutting the space of sound before you (“Birth Of An Economic Hit Man”, “I’ll Find A Way”) and when lead singer Anthony Green lets his gripping voice loose, withdrawing seems unrealistic. Even at its emotional core, Violent Waves blossoms because of a distinctive scent. Green and the rest of Circa Survive have pulled tighter on the noose of convicting lyricism – where the record’s songwriting freely reflects On Letting Go’s damaging skin – and it’s made every guitar line, bass slam and percussive thud sway with a gorgeous dynamic. Recordings like “Suitcase” and “Bird Sounds” hold their own wounding disposition and the offbeat sincerity is what fuses the group’s progressive shifts to your ear and truly makes DIY a beautiful thing.
Download: “My Only Friend”, “The Lottery”, “Blood From A Stone”
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I assume that your “download” suggestions are what you think were the best songs, which I find to be curious choices. My Only Friend and Blood From a Stone are two of the least interesting songs on the album, IMO. The Lottery is awesome though. If I were to pick three to download, I’d say The Lottery, Phantasmagoria (best on the album) and Bird Sounds. All in all, though, I’d agree with the review. 4 or 4.5 stars seems about right.