Even though Pitchfork hasn’t really ruled YouTube this year (sorry, but those “+1s” were the bomb), their mini-docs have continued to blossom intimate moments that punch holes in your skin. Case in point: Live At 285 Kent. P4K’s short film is based on the artists that rocked their unofficial CMJ parties and it frames the personalities behind acts such as PERFECT PUSSY, SPEEDY ORTIZ, PRIESTS, COURTNEY BARNETT, JOANNA GRUESOME, and more. Props goes to director Jim Larsen and interviewer Jenn Pelly for doing something so incredibly awesome but a major high-five goes out to Pitchfork for resurrecting CMJ’s purpose – to ultimately showcase bands you’ve never heard of before they go in for the kill and strangle everyone’s attention. Hit play below and share, share, share.
If you dig any of the artists in the documentary, make sure to check out Pitchfork’s video sets from CMJ 2013