There’s no denying it: CHVRCHES are rock stars. The Glasgow outfit only have two LPs to their name but they come off as veterans in a live setting – like an irresistible mix of Cyndi Lauper, Depeche Mode, and Cocteau Twins – and it shows. Their current tour with Sydney’s MANSIONAIR has been a hit and their B2B gigs at Toronto’s Danforth Music Hall kept the momentum going with sets that ditched theatrics for a dose of poeticism. The first night (October 4th) had its expectations but not for long as the group smashed through a 17-song set – pairing debut singles (“Lies”, “We Sink”) with new faves (“Never Ending Circles”) and letting other cuts (“Tether”, “Bury It”) create their own moments. The sequencing felt a bit jumpy but when the lighting tech is on point, it’s hard to dismiss the euphoric damage Chvrches can do in front of 1,500 people. Check out our photos above (via Hannah Jor).
Chvrches’ new album Every Open Eye is out now via Universal/Glassnote; for similar shows, make sure to visit