PISSED JEANS will never be “ordinary”. They probably don’t even treat themselves to plain yogurt when its snack time because every one of their records is smeared with unapologetic rage. It’s not full blown anger but it’s not an attention-seeker; it’s an attention-grabber (see “False Jesii Part 2”, “Romanticize Me”, “Bathroom Laughter”) and it’s why the Allentown, PA, foursome were able to latch onto Toronto’s Mod Club like a fresh yet relentless scab. The “Virgin Mobile Pissed Jeans” tore through the shameless strategic branding and unsurprisingly hand-delivered one of the best sets their fans have seen with their eyeballs. Kingston’s PS I LOVE YOU and Carpark’s SPEEDY ORTIZ plugged in first at the NXNE shindig and Katie Maznevski was on hand to capture footy from the night that was.